A Compositional Chemical Architecture for Asynchronous Computation

The Energetics of Computing in Life & Machines pp 63-80
DOI: 10.37911/9781947864078.02

2. A Compositional Chemical Architecture for Asynchronous Computation

Author: Blake S. Pollard, Carnegie Mellon University




There is a sense in which chemical reactions perform computation, transducing energy as various molecules interact and alter one another and their environment. This idea of molecular computation provides multiple avenues of exploration as we as a species investigate various alternative notions of computation and their accompanying architectures: understanding the computational class of various reaction paradigms (Doty and Zhu 2018), implementing digital computation using chemical reactions (Soloveichik et al. 2008), mimicking chemical reactions using designer DNA sequences and their interactions (Soloveichik, Seelig, and Winfree 2010), and understanding the thermodynamic efficiency of computations performed by cells (Kempes et al. 2017).

We can interpret a number of biochemical reaction motifs as implementing an algorithm, often in an approximate or obfuscated way. For example, the process whereby a cell transitions from inactive to active mitosis is implemented by a robust biochemical switching mechanism: cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk). At a structural level, this mechanism can be interpreted as a robust and biologically feasible implementation of an algorithm known as approximate majority (AM), which provides the asymptotically fastest way to reach a consensus between two possible outcomes across all members of a population (Cardelli and Csikász-Nagy 2012). As the name suggests, the final outcome approximately matches the opinion of the initial majority. This is an example of an algorithmic interpretation of a biochemical motif providing insight into the relationship between the structure of the underlying reactions and the overall function of the motif.

In recent work, Cardelli, Kwiatkowska, and Whitby (2018) go on to show how certain simple reaction motifs structurally related to AM provide a basis for performing asynchronous computation using chemical reaction networks (CRNs). The reliance of synchronous logic on a global clock makes molecular implementation difficult. This difficulty is bypassed in asynchronous logic using a Muller C-element, which can be utilized to synchronize various components.


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