Toward Space- and Energy-Efficient Computations

The Energetics of Computing in Life & Machines pp 191-213
DOI: 10.37911/9781947864078.08

8. Toward Space- and Energy-Efficient Computations

Authors: Anne Condon, University of British Columbia, and Chris Thachuk, California Institute of Technology




How might a simulation of computation that is both space and energy efficient be possible? If a Turing machine, on a problem instance of size n, requires t(n)time and s(n)space to complete, then a simulation of the computation is space efficient if it requires at most poly(s(n))space, and energy efficient if it dissipates at most ϵ t(n) energy over the course of the computation, for sufficiently small ϵ  0. Lecerf (1963) and Bennett (1973) made significant progress on this question by introducing the notion of logically reversible computation— previously thought to be a prerequisite for energy-efficient computation1—and devising simulations of irreversible Turing machine computations by logically reversible Turing machines with a constant factor increase in time. Bennett (1989), Lange, McKenzie, and Tapp (2000), and others subsequently made progress on space-efficient simulations.

Recent work by Qian, Soloveichik, and Winfree (2011) and others made further significant progress by bridging the gap between logically reversible and physically realizable computations using DNA strand displacement systems. Their strand displacement simulations of Turing machines use arbitrarily little energy per step while incurring a quadratic slowdown in time. However, to complete, their simulations may require exponentially more molecules (physical space) than the space used by the Turing machine.

Building on these two earlier threads, we showed how computations that are logically reversible, with balanced, symmetric transitions, have energy-efficient implementations as DNA strand displacement systems and only require a quadratic increase in the number of molecules over the theoretical space required of the computation (Thachuk and Condon 2012).


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